什么是超融合基础设施(HCI)? -收益和用例


帕克 发布日期:2022年8月8日

云计算的可用性鼓励许多组织至少将其部分流程迁移到云中, but many data centers still maintain at least some physical footprint. 越来越多的企业发现云计算并没有像他们希望的那样解决他们的需求,并且正在迁移回(至少部分)物理数据中心(回想一下21世纪初的外包趋势)?).

对于所有这些例子, hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) offers some significant operational benefits, 但什么是HCI? What benefits does a hyperconverged infrastructure appliance offer to organizations like yours? This post will explore what you need to know about HCI.

Before we touch on the benefits of HCI or its use cases, let’s first define what we mean by hyperconverged infrastructure solutions.


超融合基础设施(HCI)带来了 云运营经验 到本地或集群设备. 计算系统、网络系统和存储系统安装在一个1U或2U的披萨盒中,包括CPU、内存和磁盘. An operating stack is installed on the appliance consisting of 虚拟机监控程序(s), 软件定义存储, 以及管理/编排层,以便使用自包含的设备交付云体验,而不是依赖于第三方.


Those modular blocks we just mentioned are used to replace aging and inflexible legacy servers, 数组, 还有其他设备. In a nutshell, HCI delivers a modern operating environment with the ability to:

  • 快速交付基础设施 & 业务应用
  • modernize and streamline the IT acquisition model
  • 在混合模型中提供本地云体验(与大多数公共云提供商接口)
  • 更好地利用IT资产

结果? Agility, flexibility, scalability, and improved cost efficiency.

既然我们已经探索了什么是HCI, let’s look at some of the most important benefits that it can deliver.


调整你的 数据中心基础设施 is a major undertaking, so adopting an HCI system must be justified. 考虑在数据中心或十大赌博正规老平台器机房中使用超融合基础设施设备的六个好处.

1. 你的设计需求被简化了

超融合基础设施最重要的好处之一是能够简化数据中心设计. It’s a terrific way to eliminate the rigidity inherent in pre-云 data center structures, 它们依赖于单独的存储筒仓, 十大赌博正规老平台器层, 和网络. 它还消除了It部门花费数周或数月来配置新基础设施的需要,并确保It十大赌博正规老平台在接到通知后立即可用.

与人机交互, 所包含的硬件和软件放在一个生命周期中,因此您不必使用来自不同十大赌博正规老平台器的不同支持日期, 存储和网络提供商. 从根本上简化了管理信息和交付应用程序所需的时间和费用.

2. 它与云集成

HCI构建在商品硬件堆栈上,使用商业或开源软件堆栈—例如VMWare(带有VSAN)。, 开放的堆栈, 例如XCP-ng. 这里的直接好处是交付IT资源现在只需几分钟,而在传统的三层模型中需要几个月, 另外 构建混合云 to expand IT resources is simpler than ever before. 越来越多的组织发现了混合云的好处,它允许他们将敏感信息保留在内部,同时为客户提供基于云的连接, 技术人员, 和其他人.

3. 可伸缩性

可伸缩性 is a critical consideration for all data centers. However, it’s often hard to achieve, particularly in a legacy 3-tiered environment. 与人机交互, organizations can consolidate their systems into a HCI cluster and then scale it as necessary. 这是一个好消息,原因有很多, 但对于那些希望从小规模开始,然后随着对超融合基础设施越来越有信心和适应而发展壮大的组织来说尤其如此.

4. 减少物理占用

因为超融合基础设施允许您将多个遗留系统组合到单个合并中, it becomes possible to reduce the physical footprint of your data center. That could be good news for organizations considering 数据中心搬迁, but it also means that you can free up space for other needs. Eliminating unnecessary hardware also reduces Operating costs (OPEX), 减少硬件维护, and often a reduction in software licensing due to the efficiencies of the operating model.

5. 减少对内部IT团队的需求

With legacy systems, you needed to have deep IT expertise among your in-house team. However, hyperconverged infrastructure lets you get around that.

network engineer looking at hyperconverged infrastructure

This is because you no longer need so many experts. It becomes possible to hire technology generalists, or even outsource your maintenance and management needs entirely.

6. 改进的灾难恢复能力

从硬件故障到轮流停电,组织必须为今天的意外做好准备. 灾难恢复从来不是一件简单的事情, however HCI can be architected to withstand a complete site failure! Traditional 3-tier architecture is extremely complex to build total resiliency into, 然而,使用现代HCI提供的软件定义方法,只要底层资源足够,这个练习就变得微不足道.


讨论了HCI的好处, it is now time to turn our attention to how this technology is being used in the real world. What are some of the most compelling use cases for hyperconverged infrastructure?

1. 最大限度地利用资源

Access to resources is an important consideration, 但是在遗留系统中, 存储, 内存, and processing capabilities can be consumed quickly and unpredictably. 与人机交互, 以线性方式增加系统可靠性和资源可用性成为可能. 组织还可以使用HCI来确保他们以相当大的灵活性充分利用资源.

2. 十大赌博正规老平台可靠性

IT转变为业务的十大赌博正规老平台提供者,因为持续可靠地向客户(组织内的业务单位)交付十大赌博正规老平台的能力是必不可少的. HCI帮助IT实现这一目标. 使用软件定义的环境, 组织可以在基础设施中构建冗余和可靠性,而只需要传统三层结构的一小部分投资. Resource utilization becomes predictable and linear, 以最具成本效益的方式增长基础资源的能力为业务增加了额外的稳定性.

3. 应对不断变化的需求

基于十大赌博正规老平台的组织全年都在处理不断变化的需求和不同的带宽需求. Due to the scalable nature of hyperconverged infrastructure, 只需对物理数据中心配置进行很少甚至不进行更改,就可以满足这些波动的需求.

engineer demonstrating benefits of hyperconverged infrastructure

进一步, 在高需求时期不需要引入新设备或人力资本,这确实有助于简化操作,并将运营成本和资本支出降至最低.

4. 减少设备需求

HCI combines multiple aspects into a single software-defined package. 这样做的一个结果是能够使为客户开发的解决方案更轻、更灵活, 不降低他们的能力. 例如, 国防工业制造商正在使用HCI来减轻为军事开发的解决方案的重量和尺寸, 不影响功能.

5. 不会过时的,它

快速变化已成为常态, 不仅仅是在IT行业, 但对于世界上所有的行业来说. HCI解决方案提供了一种方法,通过将基本软件转换为HCI来防止与快速规模变化相关的碎片, 例如人力资源信息系统, as well as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software.

How to Maintain a Hyperconverged System After EOSL

All 数据中心基础设施 eventually reaches its 终止使用寿命(EOSL)日期. That applies to hyperconverged systems, as well. 那么,在没有原始设备制造商(OEM)的情况下,您如何维护您的系统呢?? The answer can be found in working with the right technology support partner.

例如, at Park Place Technologies, we offer IT基础设施管理十大赌博正规老平台 that allow us to support and monitor HCI solution in the same way that an OEM would. 在硬件和固件被制造商视为EOSL之后的几年内,我们可以为您的HCI提供所需的硬件和管理程序故障修复解决方案. So, whatever happens with your HCI, we are the full-stack service provider you need!

In fact, we were recently presented with an opportunity related to HCI in the form of an 使用寿命结束VBlock—a converged solution using EMC 存储, Cisco UCS blade servers, and a Cisco networking kit. Though we had been supporting the hardware component of the customer’s environment for years, by 支持VMware hypervisor that runs on each UCS blade server under our coverage as well, we are now providing comprehensive management and maintenance on their entire HCI solution.

Find the Right Support Partner for Your Hyperconverged Appliance

Gone are the days of having to choose between the 云 and an on-prem environment. 虽然使用超融合设备维护混合基础设施有很多好处, 没有一个熟练的支持合作伙伴,拥有专业知识来处理您的HCI解决方案的所有组件, you are setting your virtualized environment up for failure.

With 侨福管理十大赌博正规老平台 from Park Place Technologies, we bring the tools and expertise your organization requires to your physical, 云, 当然还有虚拟技术. 我们的7×24企业运营中心(EOC)工程师支持所有主要的企业操作系统和虚拟平台, 包括 微软, Linux, and VMware, to provide you with incident management, 补丁管理和修复 用于HCI集群. That means we can monitor and support your entire hyperconverged infrastructure solution, 从硬件到管理程序—与OEM非常相似,但成本只是其中的一小部分!

有兴趣了解更多关于侨福管理十大赌博正规老平台的信息,以及它如何使您的组织的超融合基础设施受益? Contact us today to discuss your HCI post-warranty support needs!

